Registration is now closed for the Summer 2018
Roller Coaster Relationship Recovery 2.0
Relationship Readiness Online Intensive
Check back for the amazing follow-up planned for fall 2018!
Roller Coaster Relationship Recovery 2.0
The Relationship Readiness Online Intensive
Five weeks of life-changing training, coaching, and support
Amber Ault, Ph.D., MSW, LCSW
Summer 2018
Accessible from anywhere
Weekly audio lessons; weekly live web class & coaching
Classes recorded for your review
Course capacity: 13 students
Saturdays, June 2 - June 30
Noon, CST/ 10 am PST/ 1 PM EST/ 6 pm London/Dublin
Designed especially for people hoping to create new, healthy relationships after struggling with toxic relationship patterns, The Relationship Readiness Online Intensive uses the insights of scientific research and clinical experience to guide you toward empowered, happy, balanced relationships. If you have survived one or more difficult, dramatic, or exploitative relationships with someone who could be described as narcissistic, anti-social, or having Borderline Personality Disorder, and are still dealing with the fallout, you may find yourself afraid to love again, worried about attracting another toxic person, or totally confused about what to do to create a healthy pattern with a healthy partner. You may find yourself behaving in such fiercely independent or staunchly defensive, self-protective ways that you have to ask whether anyone will ever be able to get close to you again. You may project onto your new love the problematic behaviors and motivations of the toxic person in your past. All of this is common. All of this is normal after a relationship disaster. And all of this will get in the way of having the sweet, stable, easy relationship of your dreams with someone as wonderful as you, until you have the strategies and skills to do something different.
The Relationship Readiness Online Intensive offers you the information, skills, and coaching you need to to cultivate the happy, healthy relationship life you know is possible.
What Challenges Do People Face After A Toxic Break-Up?
Low self-esteem
Mistrust of one's own perceptions
Difficulty trusting others
Hyper-vigilence ("edginess")
New defensiveness, guardedness, and control issues
Difficulty discerning what's "normal" and "healthy"
At a loss for how to connect, be vulnerable, and resolve issues in healthy ways
What Will Relationship Readiness (tm) Training Do For You?
*Teach you how to calm your nervous system to prepare for new love
*Teach you how to identify and choose a Non-Toxic Mate
*Teach you how to build secure attachment --- no matter your attachment history
*Teach you about building a "Sound Relationship House" with a non-toxic partner
*Teach you how to let your toxic relationship history work for you, not against you
*Teach you how to handle "little bumps" in new relationships in balanced ways
What happened in your toxic relationship doesn't have to remain mysterious.
How to do something different doesn't have to remain a mystery either.
You can have the love you deserve.
What Challenges Do People Face After A Toxic Break-Up?
Low self-esteem
Mistrust of one's own perceptions
Difficulty trusting others
Hyper-vigilence ("edginess")
New defensiveness, guardedness, and control issues
Difficulty discerning what's "normal" and "healthy"
At a loss for how to connect, be vulnerable, and resolve issues in healthy ways
What Will Relationship Readiness (tm) Training Do For You?
*Teach you how to calm your nervous system to prepare for new love
*Teach you how to identify and choose a Non-Toxic Mate
*Teach you how to build secure attachment --- no matter your attachment history
*Teach you about building a "Sound Relationship House" with a non-toxic partner
*Teach you how to let your toxic relationship history work for you, not against you
*Teach you how to handle "little bumps" in new relationships in balanced ways
What happened in your toxic relationship doesn't have to remain mysterious.
How to do something different doesn't have to remain a mystery either.
You can have the love you deserve.
How Will The Roller Coaster Relationship Recovery (tm)
Relationship Readiness Intensive Help?
Here's what you need to know:
Surviving a dramatic, abusive, exploitive, crazy-making relationship can leave you with deep self-doubt, low-self-esteem, depression, and lots of anxieties. For quite some time after the relationship ends, you can be wary of an Ex- making trouble, or about the fallout of doing things the toxic person criticized you for --- especially if they were controlling or monitored or every movement or choice you made. If your toxic relationship involved gas-lighting, lying, or manipulating reality, it can be hard to trust your own perceptions when you begin to explore dating or new relationships. Healthy people can seem boring after the come-here go-away dramas of a partner with Borderline Personality Disorder. Survivors often suffer from "mirror fears:" on one side, you fear that you will allow yourself to get entangled in another toxic relationship; on the other, you worry that your protective, defensive walls are now so high that you will never be able to connect with someone again.
Getting out was one thing. Moving on is another.
To exit, you needed to stand on your own two feet.
To be in a happy, healthy relationship, you need to learn to dance well with someone else.
Most of us didn't have the benefit of seeing models of happy, healthy relationships growing up. As a result, many of us have not had the support we needed around cultivating mature understandings of healthy adult relationships. In the absence of solid relationship information, strong skills, and deep insights, many of us have experienced relationship entanglement patterns in which we have mistaken intensity, sympathy or rescuing, or even intrusive boundary violations for love and romance. Once entangled, we have allowed ourselves to get stuck in difficult relationships as a result of fear, obligation, guilt, or misplaced hope that if we "just figure out how to do the right thing" our partner will restore the loving behaviors they offered us in the beginning.
Once entangled, we have struggled to unknot the complicated web or to leave it altogether. Exiting takes massive amounts of energy and at least some small faith that things can be better. Yet, if you simply move forward with a hope and a prayer, without examining how to navigate relationships differently in the future, you're playing a game of chance with your love life. By coming to an awareness of the research on what promotes relationship happiness and what causes trouble in intimate relationships, you can develop both new confidence and new skill in moving away from toxic relationship patterns and toward cultivating the kind of relationship you want, need, and deserve.
The Relationship Readiness Online Intensive accelerates the "moving on" process" and enhances your chances of cultivating a happy, healthy, balanced, joyful relationship moving forward. The keys to cultivating healthy relationships include both knowledge and skills. In this course, designed especially for toxic relationship survivors, you'll develop both. Whether you are single, just beginning to date, or at the beginning of a new relationship in which you want to lay a solid foundation, this course will offer you deep awareness of the special challenges you face as a survivor of a toxic relationship, the antidotes to those challenges, and, based on solid social science and neuro-science research, identifiable, reproduce-able skills you can use to cultivate, enhance, and support healthy relationship dynamics as you open yourself to love again.
Here's what participants in Amber's previous classes say:
~"The information in the audios was so powerful that I could not help applying it to my life. The weekly call was basically riveting. I have now a deeper sense of self worth which is beyond precious and the tools to protect my self and my life. I have much hope about walking away from old defeating relationship patterns and creating a happier future for myself."
~"Thank you! I have been setting amazing boundaries. It feels like a miracle! I recognized some red flags in the person I was going to go on a date with too and cancelled! Life is looking up Thanks so much for this course. It is a game changer for me!" ~
~ "Without this course, I would still be mired in a toxic dynamic with my ex. It’s really accelerated my recovery and allowed me to be ready to connect with someone healthy.
It is completely possible to cultivate relationships free of drama and exploitation!
The Relationship Readiness Online Intensive is designed to help you cultivate the clarity, skills, and commitments you need to create the love life and relationships you dream of having.
And because The Relationship Readiness Online Intensive includes both five weeks of audio lessons and live weekly coaching, you will receive both course material you can access again and again and individualized and group coaching during our weekly calls. This summer's special edition of The Relationship Readiness downloadable course is supplemented with five weekly live coaching calls with Amber especially dedicated to meeting the needs of survivors of toxic relationships. This course will help you accelerate your movement into the clarity, freedom, ease, and confidence you desire in your relationship life.
"I wish I had this information and understanding several years ago. It would have saved me a lot of pain and heartache."
The Roller Coaster Relationship Recovery online intensive will offer you information, insights, skills, and clarity around:
Selecting a healthy mate.
Creating secure attachment
Establishing and communicating your standards and boundaries in assertive, effective ways
Building a common vision that honors each person's personal mission
Practicing meaningful endurance and relationship-enhancing responsivity (and assessing these in a prospective partner)
Cultivating rituals, habits, and sacred couple bubble space for the welfare of a relationship
Saturdays, June 2 - 30, 2018
Weekly audio Lessons about toxic relationship patterns
Live class and coaching sessions with Amber
Noon Central Time, 10 am PST, 1 pm EST US/ 6pm London/Dublin
$249.00 Summer Tuition
Because of the intimate nature of the work, space is limited to 13 participants. Registration will close when we reach capacity.
About Registering
Spaces are reserved on a first-come/first registered basis. Participation is through advanced registration only. To ensure a powerful experience for everyone, registration will be limited to 13 participants. We hope you'll be among those who make that commitment to yourself, your love life, and developing the skills you need to create the relationships you dream of having.
Spaces are reserved on a first-come/first registered basis. Participation is through advanced registration only. To ensure a powerful experience for everyone, registration will be limited to 13 participants. We hope you'll be among those who make that commitment to yourself, your love life, and developing the skills you need to create the relationships you dream of having.
About Dr. Amber Ault
About Amber Ault
Amber Ault, Ph.D., MSW is a sociologist and psychotherapist. She's has specialized training in Cluster B personality disorders, couples therapy, including both attachment-based and individuation-supportive approaches. She coaches people across the globe on understanding crazy-making relationships and offers them practices that empower them to move into lives infused with love, ease, confidence, and creative delight. Amber is the author of The Wise Lesbian Guide to Getting Free From Crazy-Making Relationships, The Five Step Exit: Skills You Need to Leave a Psychopath, Narcissist, or Other Toxic Person and Recover Your Happiness Now, and the forthcoming Wise Lesbian Guide to Love. Her academic work includes research on lesbian, bi, and trans experience/s, including a Ph.D. dissertation on lesbian and bisexual women's identity formation during the early years of the AIDS crisis, articles on lesbian and bi identities, hate crimes, and Gender Identity Disorder as mental health diagnosis. She has written for The Washington Blade, Our Lives Magazine, and other LGBT outlets, and served as the first producer of the LGBT radio show, Queery.
More about Amber at
More about Amber at