The world calls all of us to show up as our best selves, to do the work of making it a better place. By seeing clearly how we get stuck, we can see how to become unstuck, to freely reclaim our simple human right to live with peace and dignity and joy and creativity. Happy, healthy, stable, loving relationships are neither luxuries nor happy accidents; love and connection are both our simple human birthright and a fundamental sacred obligation to ourselves and each other. Loving well and being well loved are radical, transformative processes that involve commitments, skills, support and compassion --- and practice, practice, practice. If we want to heal the world of its injustices, one beautiful place to start is in our own hearts and lives and in our practice with each other. I'm delighted to be in that practice with you.
Amber Ault, Ph.D., MSW, is a sociologist, teacher, trainer, and psychotherapist based in Madison, Wisconsin. In her private coaching practice, she uses virtual tools to help people in the US and other countries get a handle on crazy-making relationships, supports their recovery, and offers them practices that empower them to move into lives infused with ease, confidence, and creative delight. Toward that end, Amber has created numerous workshops and classes designed to help individuals and couples build skills for cultivating happy, functional relationships. Her areas of clinical expertise include personality disorders, including Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder, the treatment of trauma, crisis intervention, and suicide risk assessment.
Amber's academic work in feminist and queer theoretical approaches to questions in sex, gender, and sexuality has appeared in academic journals in sociology and social work, as well as in a number of academic and popular books in women's studies and sociology, and has been presented at national and regional academic conferences. Her popular writing has been included in The Washington Blade, Our Lives Magazine, and This Way Out International LGBTQ radio. Most recently, she's completed two books designed to help people recover from toxic relationships, The Five Step Exit: Skills You Need to Leave a Narcissist, Psychopath, or Other Toxic Partner and Recover Your Happiness Now (Next Generation Books 2015) and The Wise Lesbian Guide to Getting free From Crazy-Making Relationships and Getting On With Your Life (Next Generation Books 2014). Would you like to read an advance sample of her next project, The Wise Lesbian Guide to Love and Dating? It's here for you.
An experienced university teacher and diversity program expert, Amber is known for delivering engaging and entertaining presentations and creating lively, inclusive, empowering learning environments. Beyond her professional passions, she is a long-time organizer of events designed to bring people together for love and fun; she co-founded PQQ!PDQ! Power Dating for Queers and SPRAWL -- a community dance venue for lesbians and other women, and has organized a number of women's and queer ballroom dance classes in the Madison area. She recharges by taking her own medicine, often in the form of time outside, time in community, or time at dance lessons --- sometimes all at once.
Amber Ault, Ph.D., MSW, is a sociologist, teacher, trainer, and psychotherapist based in Madison, Wisconsin. In her private coaching practice, she uses virtual tools to help people in the US and other countries get a handle on crazy-making relationships, supports their recovery, and offers them practices that empower them to move into lives infused with ease, confidence, and creative delight. Toward that end, Amber has created numerous workshops and classes designed to help individuals and couples build skills for cultivating happy, functional relationships. Her areas of clinical expertise include personality disorders, including Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder, the treatment of trauma, crisis intervention, and suicide risk assessment.
Amber's academic work in feminist and queer theoretical approaches to questions in sex, gender, and sexuality has appeared in academic journals in sociology and social work, as well as in a number of academic and popular books in women's studies and sociology, and has been presented at national and regional academic conferences. Her popular writing has been included in The Washington Blade, Our Lives Magazine, and This Way Out International LGBTQ radio. Most recently, she's completed two books designed to help people recover from toxic relationships, The Five Step Exit: Skills You Need to Leave a Narcissist, Psychopath, or Other Toxic Partner and Recover Your Happiness Now (Next Generation Books 2015) and The Wise Lesbian Guide to Getting free From Crazy-Making Relationships and Getting On With Your Life (Next Generation Books 2014). Would you like to read an advance sample of her next project, The Wise Lesbian Guide to Love and Dating? It's here for you.
An experienced university teacher and diversity program expert, Amber is known for delivering engaging and entertaining presentations and creating lively, inclusive, empowering learning environments. Beyond her professional passions, she is a long-time organizer of events designed to bring people together for love and fun; she co-founded PQQ!PDQ! Power Dating for Queers and SPRAWL -- a community dance venue for lesbians and other women, and has organized a number of women's and queer ballroom dance classes in the Madison area. She recharges by taking her own medicine, often in the form of time outside, time in community, or time at dance lessons --- sometimes all at once.